People, places, and things that have helped me on my healing journey.
Please note that I am not a medical doctor and offer no medical advice. My goal here is to share what helped me heal because I believe that when we stop listening to everyone else and start listening to ourselves, that we - deep down - know what we need. If you’re inspired by anything here, I genuinely hope it helps you too.
Being Whole: Healing from Trauma and Reclaiming My Voice: Cassandra Fay LeClair, PhD
The Energy Codes: Dr. Sue Morter
The Four Agreements: Don Miguel Ruiz
Strengthsfinder: Tom Rath
Awakended Empath: Luna & Sol
The Healed Empath: Kristen Schwartz
Between Two Worlds: Tyler Henry
Individual & Group Therapy
Individual & Group Coaching
Alcoholics Anonymous
Women’s Retreats
Evolve: store offering a variety of items that supports conscious lifestyles and spiritual practice
Dana Haines: offers goods and services to help broaden your spirit and rediscover your unique magic
Midnight Oil Soap Company: sells healing and energy clearing soaps, among other items